Impact Seniors and Assisted Living

While “poor”, “sick”, and “aged” are four letter words, they have been superseded by “LOVE”, “HOPE”, and “PURE” at Impact church.  Pure religion (James 1:27) reaches out not only to precious children but also to the vulnerable elderly. 

Whether the aged are lonely in institutions, prisoners in their own homes, bedfast or on the streets, they are not forgotten by our Lord or the Impact church, which has been in ministry to Seniors and the handicapped since its inception.





Senior Moments at Impact

Georgia was deserted by her son at a local shelter, but found by her ‘forever-family’ at Impact.

Winston grew old traveling with the circus, but birth in Christ and His church began life anew for Winston.  Even a courageous battle with cancer could not dampen his new spirit in Christ.

Elijah, in his 90’s, was seen teetering on his walker into the assembly one Sunday; one of our teens offered him his chair and then sat himself on the floor next to Elijah to worship.

Pauline was living/hiding in a field after suffering abuse and her family’s theft of her social security. 

Francis was loved into spiritual security at Impact.

Lupita put on Christ in baptism at age 99.

John suffered terrible depression adjusting to the amputation of both legs. The impersonal Christmas stocking stuffed with socks did nothing to help his sadness. Only the gospel with news about his new immortal heavenly legs gave him the hope he so much needed.

Even though Debbie suffered extreme disability and a violent death at the hands of an evil perpetrator, she, too, found joy and peace in her eternal Savior through the work of Christ in this church.

Sandra, a widow, lost her leg to a gunshot along with her home.  Our Lord provided her a new walk in him, a new life in His church, and a new beginning at Independence Hall. The weekly Bible study begun 22 years ago in her tiny apartment is only a small part of the ongoing ministry at Independence Hall today.

Sunday mornings will bring tears to your eyes as you see these special seniors* using all means possible to worship with the saints.  They pour out of church vans and buses, Metrolift, city buses and vehicles of our members. You see them enter in manual and motorized wheelchairs, on walkers, bending over canes, or on the arm of one of our people who love seniors. 

Senior moments at Impact are truly precious ones - God-ordained moments that bring blessings to all.
 * Actual names are used here.  These brothers and sisters have a special place in our hearts.  All have now passed on to their heavenly reward.